Friday, October 9, 2009

JuDe & JaCqUeLiNe

Jacqueline. Anna & Logan's baby girl

Everything is good!! Jaxon is weighing about 15 pounds now. He is 3 1/2 months. Time has flown by. We are tearing the wall out in our hall to make a laundry room. We have one downstairs but we are gonna rent out the dowmstairs so we have to put a laundry room upstairs. Dan hit a deer last week and so he had to fix the car.. that put a little dent in our finances!! It is always one thing or another. But, we are just grateful that we have a car to wreck. Even with the economy the way it is we have been so blessed.

JaXoN and his sweet little girlfriend JaCqUeLiNe

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bobby, Dan, John. Aren't they precious!

I was visiting my mom's house, so I didn't have his little bath tub. I had to give him a bath in the sink. He actually loved it....But he DID NOT love it when I took him out. He was mad at me or could it be that he is mad that Katie was taking a picture.... Hmmmm?

Cute Cole

Dan and Shar are trying to cross one eye and look straight with the other... Was pretty funny!!


Our Beautiful Baby Jaxon

Well, Dan and I have been married for 2 years now. We welcomed our first child Jaxon, who was born at the end of June, 09. We are excited about having this blog. We think it is pretty rad that we can keep our family and friends updated on our lives. Also, that we can check out them too. Just to let you all know there will be cool, stupid, funny, happy, and dorky things you all have to look forward to on our blog! Enjoy